There is this thing that happened to me, O i think it was back in 2005 or so when i was addressed as Chris Novus completely out of confusion due to my web page name Novus Arts. Initially I didn't feel the need to correct the poor guy and sitting here today I'm glad I didn't.
It morphed into the amalgamation of my first and Last name C.S. and threw in the Novus cause thats what I wished to remain "new" never resting on what I had done. Only looking at the now what I'm about to do shyt. An attempt to make sure that I did what I ment and needed to be "new" fresh and cutting edge, at all times!
I spend some time tonight doing that most of egotistical activities as googling all of my incarnations to find out what my placement in the google stratusphere looked like. (like you have never done this)
What I found out much to my surprise is that I have branded in the purest sense of the word, "branded" myself C.S.Novus. I am him. Whomever that is, I am that guy! Under my given name sure there are articles and musings some me some not, but somewhere in the last 8 years I have become the one the only C.S. Novus...Sure there are many Chris Schelling in this world we all share a name, but there is only only one C.S.Novus! I'll be damned if it didn't strike me like a bolt that I had done something! I'm not just another chris schelling floating around in the world, I AM C.S. Novus the one the only the enigmatic artist, that is me! Good for me for being crazy and bold and doing something short sighted that in this day of self recognition I might stand up and say hey, that is me that C.s. Novus with a facebook, that C.S.Novus with a twitter, soundcloud, etc. that is me and shit I'm proud of it.
Damn Happy to be C.S!
yeah!good to know who you are.